Payment & Delivery
Payment Methods
- Bank Transfer
We accept transfers to our MCB and SBM accounts. The account numbers are on the Checkout page.
- Payment on Pickup
Payment can be made on delivery if you choose the “Pickup” delivery option at Checkout.
- Cash
Pay Cash on delivery, for Pickup delivery option only.
- Express Post
Same or Next Day Delivery. Our fastest option, if we are not available for in-person delivery.
- Parcel or Registered Post
Delivery in 1 – 3 days.
- Pickup in person
Depending on our availability, delivery can be done within the hour or day. You can call us directly and arrange a pickup location and pay on delivery.
Delivery Time
At Silver Shop, we have greatly optimised our internal process and packages to ensure that 98% of our Postal orders reach on the same or next day.